在使用 Git 提交代码之前,建议做以下这些设置。
叫指南有点夸张,因为它在有些情况下下不适用,比如你已经有了 .gitattributes
或 .editorconfig
在使用 Git 提交代码之前,建议做以下这些设置。
叫指南有点夸张,因为它在有些情况下下不适用,比如你已经有了 .gitattributes
或 .editorconfig
To better manage the branches on Git(I sued Bitbucket), integration with CI tool, Artifactory, and automation will be more simple and clear.
For example, good unified partition naming can help the team easily find and integrate without special processing. Therefore, you should unify the partition naming rules for all repositories.
Today I am having a problem where the Windows installer I created is not installing, and the following Windows installer box pops up.
But it works well in the previous build, and I didn’t make any code changes. It is strange, actually fix this problem is very easy but not easy to find.
本文适用的是 Gradle 来构建和适用 JaCoCo。
分别介绍了 build.gradle
比如使用 gradle 来管理的项目可以在 build.gradle
plugins { |
然后执行 gradle test
就可以了。之后可以可以在 build\reports\jacoco
重点是如何分析报告。打开 index.html,报告显示如下:
Python 不必多说,它是众多编程语言中最容易学习的动态类型语言。它的跨平台、易读、易写、丰富的 Packages 等众多特性,也是众多DevOps/测试/开发工程师是最常用的语言之一。
相信不少人用它完成了很多工作,但你是不是仅仅止步于功能的实现而忽略了去写出更加简洁,优美的 Pythonic
在我最开始用 Python 时,我还不知道 Pythonic
这个词,直到多年前一位资深的程序员在给我培训的时候提到了项目中有一些代码不够 Pythonic
,需要重构。根据语境,我理解他的意思:就是 Python 的代码没有按照 Python 的方式来写。
When you use Jenkins multibranch pipeline, you may want to have different default parameters settings for defferent branches build.
For example:
For develop/hotfix/release branches, except regular build, you also want to do some code analyzes, like code scanning, etc.
For other branches, like feature/bugfix or Pull Request that you just want to do a regular build.
So you need to have dynamic parameter settings for your multibranch pipeline job.
Today, when I tried to upgrade my team’s Jenkins server from Jenkins 2.235.1 to Jenkins 2.263.3, I met a problem that can not launch the Windows agent.
[2021-01-29 23:50:40] [windows-agents] Connecting to xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx |
This issue had been raised in the Jenkins Jira project: JENKINS-63198 and JENKINS-63198
There is also a Windows Support Updates guide here that mentioned this problem.
Finally, I fixed this problem by the following steps:
Then the error should be like this
[2021-01-30 23:53:40] [windows-agents] Connecting to xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx |
file. remove or comment out this line <supportedRuntime version="v2.0.50727" />
as belowalso do this for
in case it also exists.
<configuration> |
If it still does not work and has this error message “.NET Framework 2.0 or later is required on this computer to run a Jenkins agent as a Windows service”, you need to upgrade your .NET Framework.
Here is a link for update .NET Framework.
Hopefully, this could help you to fix connect the issue of the Windows agent. Let me know in case of any questions.
DevOps 实际上是什么意思?🤔
DevOps 是一种软件开发方法,涉及持续开发,持续测试,持续集成,部署和监视。这一系列过程跨越了传统上孤立的开发和运营团队,DevOps 试图消除它们之间的障碍。
因此,DevOps 工程师基本上与 Development 和 Operations 团队合作。它是这两个主要部分之间的链接。
DevOps 已经走了很长一段路,毫无疑问,它将在今年继续发光。由于许多公司都在寻求有关数字化转型的最佳实践,因此重要的是要了解领导者认为行业发展的方向。从这个意义上讲,以下文章是 DevOps 领导者对 DevOps 趋势的回应的集合,需要在 2021 年关注。
让我们看看他们每个人对来年的 DevOps 有何评价。
As I have management our team’s git repositories for more than two years, and as my daily work using Bitbucket, so I’ll take it as an example.
Here are some settings recommend you to enable.
Recently our Bamboo server has an error when connecting to the Windows build system.
Some errors like: Can not connect to the host XXXX 22 port.
I log into the build machine find port 22 with the below command
netstat -aon|findstr "22" |
but not found port 22 is inbound.