欢迎来到我的个人主页!我是沈显鹏,一名 DevOps/Build/Release 工程师,也是微信公众号「DevOps攻城狮」的作者。
我热衷于研究和分享 DevOps、持续集成 (CI) 和持续交付 (CD) 相关的技术。我创建并贡献了多个开源项目,包括 cpp-linter、commit-check 和 conventional-branch。并且是 PyPA 的贡献者。
如果你对我的工作感兴趣,欢迎访问我的 Github 和 关注微信公众号「DevOps攻城狮」。
其他社交平台账号 👇
转载须知:如果你想转载这里的文章,请注明作者「沈显鹏」及出处「 https://shenxianpeng.github.io 」。
About Me
Welcome to my personal website! I’m Xianpeng Shen, a DevOps/Build/Release Engineer, and the author of the WeChat official account DevOps-Engineer.
I am passionate about DevOps, Continuous Integration(CI), and Continuous Delivery(CD). I have created and maintained several open-source projects, including cpp-linter, commit-check, and conventional-branch. I’m also a contributor to PyPA.
If you’re interested in my work, feel free to explore the links below.
If you have any questions or would like to discuss DevOps topics, feel free to reach out via email.
Connect with me 👇
If you enjoy any of my articles, feel free to leave a comment.
Content Usage: You are welcome to reference my articles, but please credit the author “Xianpeng Shen” and link to the source “https://shenxianpeng.github.io“.