How to make Jenkins job fail after timeout? (Resolved)

I’ve run into some situations when the build fails, perhaps because some processes don’t finish, and even setting a timeout doesn’t make the Jenkins job fail.

So, to fix this problem, I used try .. catch and error to make my Jenkins job failed, hopes this also helps you.

Please see the following example:

pipeline {
agent none
stages {
stage('Hello') {
steps {
script {
try {
timeout(time: 1, unit: 'SECONDS') {
echo "timeout step"
sleep 2
} catch(err) {
// timeout reached
println err
echo 'Time out reached.'
error 'build timeout failed'

Here is the output log

00:00:01.326  [Pipeline] Start of Pipeline
00:00:01.475 [Pipeline] stage
00:00:01.478 [Pipeline] { (Hello)
00:00:01.516 [Pipeline] script
00:00:01.521 [Pipeline] {
00:00:01.534 [Pipeline] timeout
00:00:01.534 Timeout set to expire in 1 sec
00:00:01.537 [Pipeline] {
00:00:01.547 [Pipeline] echo
00:00:01.548 timeout step
00:00:01.555 [Pipeline] sleep
00:00:01.558 Sleeping for 2 sec
00:00:02.535 Cancelling nested steps due to timeout
00:00:02.546 [Pipeline] }
00:00:02.610 [Pipeline] // timeout
00:00:02.619 [Pipeline] echo
00:00:02.621 org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.steps.FlowInterruptedException
00:00:02.625 [Pipeline] echo
00:00:02.627 Time out reached.
00:00:02.630 [Pipeline] error
00:00:02.638 [Pipeline] }
00:00:02.656 [Pipeline] // script
00:00:02.668 [Pipeline] }
00:00:02.681 [Pipeline] // stage
00:00:02.696 [Pipeline] End of Pipeline
00:00:02.709 ERROR: build timeout failed
00:00:02.710 Finished: FAILURE