Different branches have different default parameters in Jenkins


When you use Jenkins multibranch pipeline, you may want to have different default parameters settings for defferent branches build.

For example:

For develop/hotfix/release branches, except regular build, you also want to do some code analyzes, like code scanning, etc.
For other branches, like feature/bugfix or Pull Request that you just want to do a regular build.

So you need to have dynamic parameter settings for your multibranch pipeline job.


So for these cases, how to deal with Jenkins multibranch pipeline. Here are some code snippet that is works well in my Jenkinsfile.

def polarisValue = false
def blackduckValue = false

if (env.BRANCH_NAME.startsWith("develop") || env.BRANCH_NAME.startsWith("hotfix")
|| env.BRANCH_NAME.startsWith("release")) {
polarisValue = true
blackduckValue = true

pipeline {
agent { node { label 'gradle' } }

parameters {
booleanParam defaultValue: polarisValue, name: 'Polaris', description: 'Uncheck to disable Polaris'
booleanParam defaultValue: blackduckValue, name: 'BlackDuck', description: 'Uncheck to disable BD scan'

stages {
// ...