Automatically commit code by Jenkins

When we need to release a product, we should change copyright, build version, release month, release note…
How to modify multiple files automatically?

I used a Jenkins pipeline project, the project is parameterized(string parameter) and regular expressions to implement.

  1. Here is the string parameter for copyright:

    • Name: copyright

    • Default Value: 1995—2019

    • Description: Copyright format:1995—2019

      stage('change copyrigh') {
      steps {
      sh label: '', script: 'sed -i -E "s/(1995—[0-9]{4})/${copyright}/" 1033/AutoRun.ini'
  2. Here is the string parameter for build version:

    • Name: build_version

    • Default Value:

    • Description: build version format:

      stage('change build version') {
      steps {
      sh label: '', script: 'sed -i -E "s/([0-9].[0-9].[0-9].[0-9]{4})/${build_version}/" 1033/AutoRun.ini'
  3. Here is the string parameter for build version:

    • Name: release_month

    • Default Value: May 2019

    • Description: release month format: May 2019

      stage('change release month') {
      steps {
      sh label: '', script: '''
      sed -i -E "s/([a-z]* 20[0-9]{2})/${release_month}/" 1033/AutoRun.ini
      sed -i -E "s/([a-z]* 20[0-9]{2})/${release_month}/" 1033/MainMenu.ini
  4. push change to Git

    stage('git push to Git') {
    steps {
    sshagent(['8dd766ba-ac0f-4302-afa8-bee59c726dee']) {
    sh("git add 1033/AutoRun.ini")
    sh("git add 1033/MainMenu.ini")
    sh("git commit -m 'Bld # ${build_version}'")
    sh("git push -u origin master")
  5. Whole Jenkins Pipeline looks like:

    pipeline {
    agent {
    label 'master'

    stage('git clone') {
    git branch: 'master',
    credentialsId: '8dd766ba-ac0f-4302-afa8-bee59c726dee',
    url: ''

    stage('change copyrigh') {
    steps {
    sh label: '', script: 'sed -i -E "s/(1995—[0-9]{4})/${copyright}/" 1033/AutoRun.ini'

    stage('change release month') {
    steps {
    sh label: '', script: '''
    sed -i -E "s/([a-z]* 20[0-9]{2})/${release_month}/" 1033/AutoRun.ini
    sed -i -E "s/([a-z]* 20[0-9]{2})/${release_month}/" 1033/MainMenu.ini

    stage('change build version') {
    steps {
    sh label: '', script: 'sed -i -E "s/([0-9].[0-9].[0-9].[0-9]{4})/${build_version}/" 1033/AutoRun.ini'

    stage('git push to Git') {
    steps {
    sshagent(['8dd766ba-ac0f-4302-afa8-bee59c726dee']) {
    sh("git add 1033/AutoRun.ini")
    sh("git add 1033/MainMenu.ini")
    sh("git commit -m 'Bld # ${build_version}'")
    sh("git push -u origin master")