
Gcov Example

Use Gcov + LCOV / gcovr to show C/C++ projects code coverage results.

pages-build-deployment Build

This repo shows how to use Gcov to create lcov/gcovr coverage reports for C/C++ projects.

Code coverage reports online

Note: The source code is under the master branch, and code coverage report under branch coverage.

What problem does Gcov solve

The problem I encountered: A C/C++ project from decades ago has no unit tests, only regression tests. But I want to know:

Can code coverage be measured without unit tests? The answer is Yes.

There are some tools on the market that can measure the code coverage of black-box testing, such as Squish Coco, Bullseye, etc but need to be charged. their principle is to insert instrumentation during build.

I tried Squish Coco but I have some build issues are not resolved.

How Gcov works

Gcov workflow diagram


There are three main steps:

  1. Adding special compile options to the GCC compilation to generate the executable, and *.gcno.
  2. Running (testing) the generated executable, which generates the *.gcda data file.
  3. With *.gcno and *.gcda, generate the gcov file from the source code, and finally generate the code coverage report.

Hereโ€™s how each of these steps is done exactly.

Getting started

You can clone this repository and run make help to see how to use it.

$ git clone https://github.com/shenxianpeng/gcov-example.git
cd gcov-example

$ make help
help                           Makefile help
build                          Make build
coverage                       Run code coverage
lcov-report                    Generate lcov report
gcovr-report                   Generate gcovr report
deps                           Install dependencies
clean                          Clean all generate files
lint                           Lint code with clang-format

Steps to generate code coverage reports

# 1. compile
make build

# 2. run executable

# 3. run code coverage
make coverage

# 4. generate report
# support lcov and gcovr reports
# to make report need to install dependencies first
make deps
# then
make lcov-report
# or
make gcovr-report