Resolved - The Pip Inspector tree parse failed to produce output


Failure: PIP - Pip Inspector
The Pip Inspector tree parse failed to produce output.

Overall Status: FAILURE_DETECTOR - Detect had one or more detector failures while extracting dependencies.

For more output please click to expand.

👉 Click to see more output 👈
[main] --- ======== Detect Issues ========
[main] ---
[main] --- DETECTORS:
[main] --- Detector Issue
[main] --- /workdir/test
[main] --- Failure: PIP - Pip Inspector
[main] --- The Pip Inspector tree parse failed to produce output.
[main] ---
[main] --- ======== Detect Result ========
[main] ---
[main] --- Black Duck Project BOM:
[main] ---
[main] --- ======== Detect Status ========
[main] ---
[main] --- GIT: SUCCESS
[main] --- PIP: FAILURE
[main] ---
[main] --- Signature scan / Snippet scan on /workdir/test: SUCCESS
[main] --- Overall Status: FAILURE_DETECTOR - Detect had one or more detector failures while extracting dependencies. Check that all projects build and your environment is configured correctly.
[main] ---
[main] --- If you need help troubleshooting this problem, generate a diagnostic zip file by adding '-d' to the command line, and provide it to Synopsys Technical Support. See 'Diagnostic Mode' in the Detect documentation for more information.
[main] ---
[main] --- ===============================
[main] ---
[main] --- Detect duration: 00h 00m 54s 951ms
[main] --- Exiting with code 5 - FAILURE_DETECTOR


  • Product: synopsys-detect-7.11.1.jar
  • Others: OpenJDK 11, Python 3.6 and Python 2.7.5

Root cause

More output of this run, I see it used python (which is python2) not python3,
so run failed.

DEBUG [main-Executable_Stream_Thread] --- Python 2.7.5


[main] --- Running executable >/usr/bin/python /home/****/blackduck/runs/2022-03-01-07-45-05-986/shared/pip/ --projectname=test


Link python to python3, it works in my case.

For example

# save python to other name
sudo mv /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/python.old
# link python3 to python
sudo ln -s /usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/python

Then try to run bash <(curl -s -L again, my test commands:

bash <(curl -s -L --blackduck.url= --blackduck.api.token=MmMwMjdlOTctMT --detect.source.path=/workdir/test --detect.blackduck.signature.scanner.snippet.matching=SNIPPET_MATCHING

If you want to use Docker to do Blackduck scan, you can create a Docker image. like this

FROM openjdk:11

# Set DETECT version you need, if it's empty download the latest version.

RUN apt-get update \
&& apt-get upgrade -y \
&& apt-get install -y \
git \
python \
pip \
&& apt-get autoremove \
&& apt-get clean

RUN curl -sSOL && bash --help \
&& rm -rf /usr/bin/python \
&& ln -s /usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/python


Hope this help.
